Vámtarifaszám kereső 2025

39059990-es vámtarifaszám

VTSZ magyar megnevezése - HU

Más vinil-polimerek és -észterek alapanyag formájában (kiv. polivinil-acetát, polivinil-alkoholok, polivinilformal, szilárd alapanyag formájában)

VTSZ angol megnevezése - EN

Polymers of vinyl esters and other vinyl polymers, in primary forms (excl. those of vinyl chloride or other halogenated olefins, poly"vinyl acetate", copolymers and poly"vinyl alcohol", whether or not containing unhydrolised acetate groups, and poly"vinyl formal" in blocks of irregular shape, lumps, powders, granules, flakes and similar bulk forms, of a molecular weight of >= 10.000 but <= 40.000 and containing by weight >= 9,5% but <= 13% of acetyl groups evaluated as vinyl acetate and >= 5% but <= 6,5% of hydroxy groups evaluated as vinyl ...



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